
Network Based Computational Service

These types of software make the user think that a certain type of software being a network service somehow makes it more handy to use.

In reality, the software is simply making use of computation on a remote system. And this actually uses more resources than it would if the computation was instead performed locally (aside from, if the computation was wasted due to lack of computational power on the local side).

Obviously, no one is going to do this out of their own pockets in this capitalistic society (except some communists). That means, one can be sure that they are gaining a net profit in some way by providing these services. So, if the service is paid, then it is totally normal, provided the pricing is fair too. But pricing can never be uniform when profit is an incentive, and this is one of the drawbacks of capitalism. But there is still the possibility of striking a fair balance at the individual level, as I explain right below.

The other case is if the software is free of cost. If the software is both free and open source, then it can be self hosted, so the in this case, the pricing will always be fair, because if someone thinks the pricing is too much, they can self-host it themselves to save on the cost-convenience balance. These types of businesses only work if profit is not the main motivating factor, but rather, only a convenient job is.

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